| stephan hollah

Introduction > Overview > Wall of eyes > A 4.4

A 4.4
Wall of eyes
New York : Lancer Books, 1966

[rule: 5,3 cm] | WALL OF EYES | [rule: 5,3 cm] | MARGARET MILLAR | [device: horse’s head (knight in chess) within frame] | LANCER BOOKS • NEW YORK

Collation: 112 leaves ; [1–4] 5–221 [222–224]

Contents: p. [1]: “A TRUE ADULT NOVEL WITH FINE | CHARACTERIZATION ... A BEAUTIFUL | PLOT OF CRIME AND MYSTERY” | Book Week | “CAPITAL!” | Saturday Review ; p. [2]: LANCER BOOKS BY | MARGARET MILLAR | VANISH IN AN INSTANT | ROSE’S LAST SUMMER | WALL OF EYES | DO EVIL IN RETURN | WALL OF EYES was originally published in hard cover by Ran- | dom House, Publishers. Its large sale in the higher priced | edition makes possible this inexpensive LANCER reprint. ; p. [3]: title page ; p. [4]: copyright page [device] | A LANCER BOOK • 1966 | To My Aunt | ALICE FERRIER GOULD | WALL OF EYES | This book is published by arrangement | with Random House. | Copyright © 1943 by Margaret Millar | All rights reserved | Printed in the USA | LANCER BOOKS, INC. • 185 MADISON AVENUE • NEW YORK, N.Y. 10016 ; p. 5–221: text ; p. [222–224]: advertisements for other Lancer Books titles

Typography: 11p Janson[?] (14,8 x 8,8 cm) ; 39 lines per page

Paper and binding: Perfect binding, softcover ; all edges trimmed and colored violet ; 17,3 x 10,7 x 1,7 cm. — Front cover: Color-picture of blind woman in hooded coat with German shepherd dog in front of a castle-like house (16,6 x 9,7 cm); on top of the cover, within orange zigzagged circle: [red] MARGARET MILLAR | [green] OVER 1,000,000 COPIES | OF HER FAMOUS | BESTSELLERS | IN PRINT [white] LANCER [Lancer device] BOOKS 72-994 50¢ | [green] WALL OF EYES | [white] A BLIND, DESPERATE YOUNG HEIRESS, A QUIET | HOUSE WITH ROWS OF CLOSED DOORS AND | MURDER, INEVITABLE AND INESCAPABLE... | “HIGHLY RECOMMENDED” | [rule: 6,8 cm] NEW YORKER’. — Spine: LANCER | 72-994 | [rule: 0,9 cm] | 4 | [rule: 0,9 cm] | 50¢ ; vertically, top to bottom WALL OF EYES • MARGARET MILLAR ; horizontally, at bottom: [Lancer device]. — Back cover: within thin blue bordered frame [red] I’M COMING! | WAIT FOR ME, KELSEY! | [black] But Kelsey was running away from her, | fleetly, as if she knew this dark wood well. | “Kelsey! Wait for me...” | She heard the soft laughing of birds from the | branches, and a cry that throbbed into an | echo. She came upon Kelsey lying on her face | in the moss, and lifted her up. But it was too | late. This face was dead. It was Kelsey who | had died, not the other girl. The other girl | lived, blind, but this was Kelsey here dead, | cuddled in the bruised and bloody moss. | She fingered the dead face, and the hungry | tentacles of trees swooped down... | [red] THERE’S MYSTERY TO SPARE... | [black] [rule: 6,4 cm] NEW YORK TIMES | A LANCER BOOK 6#8226, COMPLETE AND UNABRIDGED

Notes: Copy examined: own

v#1 (last update: Oct 23, 2004) | © 2004 by Stephan Hollah

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